Data Hk and the PCPD Model Clauses

Data hk refers to the personal data of individuals which may be collected, processed or used. Such data may be transferred or disclosed to third parties for various purposes, such as marketing, research and analytics, and for processing payments.

The collection of data hk is governed by the Hong Kong Data Protection Ordinance (DPO). The DPO provides that no person shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence or to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation. In the context of a globalised economy, it is inevitable that such data will be transferred across borders for business purposes. Hence, the DPO requires that data users take steps to ensure that the transfer of their personal data to foreign jurisdictions is done so in compliance with the DPO.

In this respect, section 33 of the DPO provides for a transfer impact assessment to be carried out prior to transferring any personal data overseas. In addition, the PCPD has recently published a set of recommended model clauses for inclusion in contracts dealing with data transfers, and which are designed to facilitate voluntary compliance with section 33.

A transfer impact assessment is a useful tool for businesses when considering the export of personal data abroad. The purpose of the assessment is to assess whether the personal data exported will enjoy a level of protection similar to that provided in Hong Kong. Depending on the results of the transfer impact assessment, the data exporter may be required to either suspend the transfer or implement adequate supplementary measures. These supplementary measures may include technical measures such as encryption, anonymisation or pseudonymisation; or contractual measures such as beach notification, audit, inspection and reporting, and compliance support and co-operation.

An important issue with the use of these model clauses is that they impose obligations on data users to adopt measures designed to prevent the unauthorised access, processing, erasure or loss of personal data transferred for processing outside Hong Kong, even where such incidents are beyond the control of the transferring entity. This is a significant departure from the position in other jurisdictions such as Europe, where the GDPR recognises that a data user must be held accountable for the acts of his agents, including those located abroad.

Another point to note is that the definition of personal data in the Hong Kong DPO is not updated with the introduction of new international norms on what constitutes “personal data” such as that contained in the PIPL and the GDPR. The PCPD has lobbied for an update to the definition, and this will likely be incorporated in a future revision of the DPO. As things stand, the current definition in the DPO is broad and potentially encompasses a wide range of information which is unlikely to be considered as personal data by most people. This may include photographs of crowds attending a concert, CCTV recordings of persons entering car parks and records of meetings which do not identify individual speakers or participants.

What is the Hongkong Prize?

The hongkong prize is an annual competition that recognizes authors who specialize in Asian culture and history. It is one of the most competitive writing competitions in the world and attracts thousands of applicants each year. Winners receive monetary prizes and can present their work at an awards ceremony to gain international exposure. However, it is important to read the rules and regulations carefully before submitting an entry. This will help prevent you from making any mistakes that could disqualify your submission.

The award was established in 1996 by friends and students of the late Professor John D. Young, who shared his passion for local history and belief that a comprehensive knowledge of the past is essential for understanding contemporary Hong Kong. The symbol of the prize, which is also featured on the trophy awarded to winners, juxtaposes a pearl and a pierced jade amulet, suggesting that success in the pursuit of knowledge can be achieved with persistence and wisdom.

Winners will be honoured at an awards ceremony and will receive cash awards and access to Hong Kong research facilities. In addition, they will have the opportunity to present their ideas to stakeholders in the development sector. This is an excellent platform for young researchers to showcase their talent and to make a difference in the lives of others.

If you are interested in applying for the hongkong prize, be sure to consult the official website for more information. The deadline for submission is 31 August 2024. Only principal authors who have been Academy Fellows for the past 10 years may submit. The research article must be published in a scientific journal within the last five years and be related to clinical practice or medical education.

The BOCHK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRIZE Board is responsible for suggesting important scientific research fields for THE PRIZE; interpreting and interpreting articles of the Charter; establishing requirements for nominating experts; setting up the Review Committee and Compliance Oversight Team; verifying and approving the final review results; and making decisions on award field rewards. The Board is independent of BOCHK and has no political or religious affiliations.

The BOCHK SCIENCE AND BUSINESS INNOVATION PRIZE Board is comprised of eminent scientists and academicians. It has the highest decision-making power in THE PRIZE and is responsible for suggesting important scientific research fields; interpreting and evaluating the articles of the Charter; and judging the applications of nominees. The Board is supervised by a Compliance Oversight Team and a Secretariat. No more than five people (or teams) will be awarded in each award field reward per year. The decision of the Board is final and not subject to appeal. The Board may decide to share the award if it considers it appropriate to do so. HK TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION PRESIDENT’S PRIZE: Nomination Forms are now open!